Sunday May 19th, 2024
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Let’s Be Honest…

In her first BITCH post, the funny Sally Sampson cuts the crap in a 'No censorship, no bullshit. Just in your face' way as she writes about honesty (or lack of)...

Staff Writer

Let’s Be Honest…

Let’s be honest…no one is honest.

Mostly everyone is two-faced, everything is about appearances and no one really knows where people stand anymore, and I don’t know about you, but I am sick as ever with this masquerade we call civilization.

So, let’s cut the crap and get right to it. No censorship, no bullshit. Just in your face, “this is how I see it so sorry if you disagree but it’s free world or at least I’m going to pretend it is because I don’t want to spend the rest of my life repeating your opinion to you so that you can like me”.

Who am I? A face in the crowd, but my voice is unique and that’s what makes me who I am. I am the sum of a plethora of experiences and a multitude of interactions that have broken me, crucified me, devastated me and then made me, resurrected me and empowered me.

I am glad to say though, that after many years of being politically correct, ‘kissing-ass’, and sucking up, I’ve finally reached a place where I’m not afraid to be vocal, even if it annoys people around me. I just go on with my life and I leave them to do their thing. I’ve got better things to do than waste my time mooing with the rest of the herd.

I know I may come across as angry…but I’m not. I’m actually more happy, optimistic and upbeat than Teletubbies on acid, (and I assure you, I don’t do drugs in anyway shape or form) and I spend my life noticing contradictions and injustices that so many of us are quick to turn a blind eye to.

Of course, being female in Egyptian society and honestly (there’s that word again), being as frank as they come, you can imagine the different reactions that I tend to elicit. I’ve even gone so far as to categorize the big three.

- The ‘Ohmigosh, you’re so Westernized!’ Reaction

This group of people are generally split into two types: people who think being Western is the best thing since teeth-whitening toothpaste and people who think being Western is more disgusting than dirt under fingernails.

So I hear things that vary from “See? That’s why I want to go live abroad!” and “It’s so great that you can just say things like that without giving a crap!” to “Do you not see how *bleeping* brainwashed you are by the pro-Zionist media that is pervading our existence?” and my favourite “How can you call yourself an Egyptian if you think like this”.

- The ‘Ohmigosh, you’re so Embarrassing!’ Reaction

The people in this category are mostly made up of my friends and my family (particularly my mother, who is mayor of this category and just has no idea what to do with me anymore).

People in this category blush profusely and say things like:

“Sally! We’re in public…can you keep your voice down?” (In a word…no!)

“Oh my God! I cannot believe you just said that!” (Yeah, I just did…)

“It’s okay if you think that way, but let’s just keep this to ourselves, shall we?” (When did my opinion become a state secret?…)

“You’ll never get married if you act like this!” (Yeah….and?)

“Why, oh why, couldn’t I just have had a normal child?” (Thanks Mother…)

- The ‘Ohmigosh, you’re such a bitch!’ Reaction

This category, by far, is made up of those who love to hate me. And I love my haters, because they are my never-ending well of amusement and fun!

This group of volatile comedy geniuses are again, divided into two categories: people who understand what the word ‘bitch’ means in its original derogatory context (i.e. that girl is so mean-spirited because she thinks she’s all that and I just want to smack her head right off her body) and people (hardcore Egyptians who use English words randomly in badly constructed sentences) who’ve decided to remix the already derogatory word and attach another key insulting connotation to insinuate that the woman being called a bitch is predominately ‘a sleazy whorebag’.

The first group of people will often say things like:

“What makes you think that you can be so opinionated and who made you think any of us want to hear anything you have to say.” (That’s generally how freedom of speech works…)

“You’re so aggressive! Why don’t you just chill out and get a boyfriend or something?” (Because then all my dreams will come true?)

“Oh my God, this is why I hate feminists!” (Good argument…)

The second group are often a lot less verbose and a lot more to the point:

“Your mother didn’t raise you right!” (I’ll give her your number…I’m sure you’ll have a lot to talk about!)

“Just shut the hell up you cow and have some respect!” (I’ll just follow your lead then, shall I?)

“Girls like you lose their virginity when they’re eleven!” (Ladies and gentlemen, the new face for child rape…)

“You’re a fucking whore!” (An articulate and profoundly life-changing observation!)

And my favourite: “Do you believe in God? You sound like a heathen!” (No comment. The comment speaks for itself)

All very good points, I’m sure you agree. (And people think I’m angry!)

I find it incredible disconcerting that having an opinion is somehow a negative thing in Egyptian society (and worldwide). People are happy to embrace freedom of speech as long as what’s being said is in line with what they think, but, if you think of rocking the boat, even for a second, be prepared to be thrown off the boat entirely.

When cornered, people throw vague statements around and say things like: “Why don’t you have some respect?” And I agree; I think respect is not only important, I think it is essential! And consequently, whenever I express my opinion, I am always respectful to the opinions of others and make sure never to belittle anyone else’s point of view.

However, if ‘respecting’ someone means never contradicting them for whatever reason; be it age, a particular position of power, gender, tradition or whatever else, then I will challenge and defy this outdated way of thinking because if I don’t, my position as a living, breathing, thinking, feeling person in this vast world is undermined. That I cannot allow.

André Gide, the French author and Nobel Prize winner says two things that I think are definite food for thought:

“Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those that find it.”

“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not!”

That’s what Gide has to say about it; and he raises some very important points.

What do I think?

Dare to question. Dare to find your own answers. Dare to be honest.

Be you. And screw the rest.
