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'Problems with Boss’ Tops Reasons Why Egyptians Quit Their Jobs, According to Survey

But the data reveals that men and women quit for quite different reasons.

Staff Writer

'Problems with Boss’ Tops Reasons Why Egyptians Quit Their Jobs, According to Survey

Historically, quitting your job in Egypt has meant one of two things; you've either managed to snatch a chance at some petrol dollars (i.e. a job in KSA or UAE), or you just simply never needed the job that bad in the first place. For the lack of statistical data, this has mostly been up to speculation and, maybe (just maybe) we're exaggerating. However, a recently released survey by Acumen Consulting, as seen on Enterprise, has shed light on some interesting data.

Quite predictably, having issues with your boss tops the list of reasons pushing Egyptians to quit their jobs. Coming second on the list is seeing no growth potential in your current work environment. And while we all firmly believe Egyptians aren't big on order and systems (AKA fahlawa), it's been revealed that lack of structure and systems in the workplace is the third biggest reason making Egyptians look elsewhere for employment.

Specifically for experienced labour, meaning those with work experience north of 4 years, problems with the boss is the primary factor when it comes to sending in that notice. However, for entry level employees, the lack of growth potential is the number one reason.

When classified by gender, women are the ones taking the lead when it comes to quitting over issues with the boss, at 31%, followed by lack of systems at 20%, and no growth potential at 19%. Men, on the other hand, are most likely to quit for lack of growth potential, at 31%. No systems or process scored second for men at 20%, and problems with the boss don't seem to bother men that much, as it's only been behind 9% of resignations.

Problems with superiors remains the leading overall cause of resignations in Egypt, across different businesses and sectors. Standing out are family businesses, which most quit for lack of growth potential, while the private sector sees most of its resignations caused by lack of systems and processes.

On the other hand, there are many factors that keep Egyptians satisfied, with high learning potential on the job being the most listed reason, according to the survey. Meanwhile, pay scheme, workplace culture and verbal appreciation follow as reasons keeping Egyptians from hitting 'send' on that resignation email.
