Friday May 3rd, 2024
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The Next Nobel Peace Recipient?

Eihab Boraie gives an update on the Syrian Crisis and wonders if President Putin will be the next Nobel Peace Prize winner.

Staff Writer

The Next Nobel Peace Recipient?

It has been a crazy week of developments on the Syrian crisis. Nobel Peace prize winner Barack Obama has been hard at work trying to convince America to go to war in Syria. It hasn't been going his way. Attacking Syria will not accomplish anything… except for the destruction of their military and their infrastructure, while further destabilizing an already tumultuous region.

The problem Obama has been facing is that over a year ago he told America that the use of chemical weapons in Syria would be a red line, and if crossed would require them to take military action. Now Obama is faced with the reality that he may have to eat his words, making him - and by default America - appear weak. It still isn't clear why America believes it needs to police the world, but it probably has to do with the Neo-Conservative belief that America is the good guy, and countries who disobey America are the bad guys. It is this fundamental belief that supposedly unites America and inflates its already super-inflated ego.

Surprisingly, America isn't really buying what Obama is selling, and till now he hasn't gained the support from congress, the senate, or even the American public. That is why Obama has been on a media blitz for the last week. It seemed that even though he doesn't have the support he wants, the supposed 'anti-war' president was ready to launch a limited strike.

That of course was the plan until Russia came up with a temporary solution. Just before Obama was set to take a vote and prepared a televised speech for the American public, President Putin declared that Syria is ready to give up its chemical weapons, and join the rest of the global community by signing a chemical ban treaty.

Obviously this isn't a final solution to Syria's problem. But it is a way of ensuring that Syria will never use chemical weapons again. Instantly, Obama had to change his game plan, and delayed the vote to go to war, and instead of announcing a military strike last night. He was forced to give peace a chance, even though he is skeptical stating:

"It's too early to tell whether this offer will succeed. And any agreement must verify that the Assad regime keeps its commitments. But this initiative has the potential to remove the threat of chemical weapons without the use of force, particularly because Russia is one of Assad's strongest allies."

Banning chemical weapons is definitely a good start, however the underlying problems remain. Assad will still be in power, will still use brutal force, and number of casualties and refugees will still be on the rise. On the flip side at least it delays a possible start to World War 3, and slightly levels out the battlefield for the rebels. The problem is the rebels are still filled with extremists, and helping them rise to power is a terrible solution. The key to solving this crisis is finding a moderate in Syria that can lead and unite Syrians against their brutal dictator.

If Russia's proposal actually goes through, the only real question is whether Russian President Vladimir Putin will be up for a Nobel Peace Prize. Obviously with his track record he doesn't deserve it, but one could argue with his recent proposition delaying America's military offensive, that he most definitely deserves one more than Obama. 
