Saturday May 4th, 2024
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You Can Now Stay Ahead of Your Energy Bill with New Online Calculator

Find out just how much electricity you're using, and how much it costs.

Staff Writer

You Can Now Stay Ahead of Your Energy Bill with New Online Calculator

One day you're doing your best to survive with your modest little heater, and the next you're getting sucker-punched by your energy bill. That big row of zeroes on the wrong side of the decimal point's like Muhammed Ali, floats like a butterfly stings like a bee and then bam! Right in the wallet. You never could have seen it coming. But now you can: the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy released a free online calculator that you could use to calculate your bill. The calculator takes in the kind of electric devices you have in your home, how many hours they run, and adds up the cost by the amount of watts per hour your home uses. While the service is designed to help you figure out how to save money, it can also be used to open some eyes as to how much energy you use without realizing it. Who knows - maybe the calculator will be the thing that finally keeps you honest about your impact on the environment. Try snacking with the fridge closed next time, alright?

To find out more ways you can stay sustainable, check this space on January 27th when #SceneGoesGreen during National Environment Day.
