Saturday July 27th, 2024
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Egyptian Teen and Donkey Defy All Odds

The greatest show in the village of El-Arid is a young teen and his magnificent jumping donkey that can jump over giant obstacles, leaving horses around the world saying 'nay!'

Staff Writer

Egyptian Teen and Donkey Defy All Odds

Egyptians are talented and this morning we are learning that so too are this nation’s donkeys. Spreading through social media today is a young teen and his magnificent ass that has overcome the species' stubbornness and is jumping hurdles on command.

In the village of El-Arid, north of the Nile delta of Cairo, is a 14-year old farmer, Ahmed Ayman, who has proven that a donkey can learn new tricks. One day the young teen and his beloved companion encountered a canal blocking their way. Instead of turning back or looking for a bridge, the gravity defying donkey decided to leap over the canal, instantly inspiring his owner to train the extraordinary donkey to reach new heights. Talking to AP, Ayman states "We got a very small barrier, and would make it higher and higher each day."

The training immediately paid off as the pair began performing for the children in the village, using a wooden baton to motivate his donkey to do his best impression of a jumping equestrian. Capturing this unusual behaviour was Ayman's cousin, who posted the photo online where it spread quickly on social media.

"I have never seen a jumping donkey before. We even tried it with another donkey and when it reached the barrier it stopped," said Abdel-Moneim Sayed, Ayman's uncle. "A donkey is very stubborn. If he knows that he cannot pass a barrier he will not even try, no matter what you do," he tells AP.

For some they will say that this story re-enforces stereotypes of a poor Egypt, however at such young age, Ahmed Ayman has proven that donkeys are able to make the leap and that he himself is a talented trainer and jumper. This is exactly the kind of talent that the sporting federation should be looking for, because if he can train a donkey to jump like horse, then there is no telling what he could train a horse to do.

Photography by: Associated Press Photographer Amr Nabil.
