Saturday July 27th, 2024
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Ancient Tomb Found Beneath Ain Shams Home

An ancient tomb dating back to the 26th Dynasty was discovered under an Ain Shams home, after the Ministry of Interior intercepted eight people attempting to smuggle it out of the country.

Cairo Scene

Ancient Tomb Found Beneath Ain Shams Home

Taking everyone by surprise, an ancient tomb was discovered under someone’s house in Ain Shams.

One of the oldest districts in Cairo, Ain Shams translates to ‘Eye of the Sun’, as it was once built atop the ancient city of Heliopolis. Now, an ancient tomb dating back to the 26th Dynasty was discovered under an unassuming home in Ain Shams, after the Ministry of Interior intercepted eight people attempting to smuggle the newly-unearthed sarcophagus out of the country.

Inside the burial chamber was a huge granite coffin spanning the length of three meters embellished with Pharaonic inscriptions as well as a handful of ancient excavation tools. The tomb belonged to the governor of the ancient province of 'On', meaning 'Sun'. The coffin has since been taken by the Engineering Authority for safekeeping..
