Saturday July 27th, 2024
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31 Waste Management Facilities Will Be Established Across Egypt

The megaproject ensures Egypt’s commitment to climate action post-COP27.

Cairo Scene

31 Waste Management Facilities Will Be Established Across Egypt

The Ministry of Environment is implementing its largest recycling project to date by establishing 31 waste management and recycling facilities for industrial zones throughout Egypt, with a total cost of USD 126 million loaned by the World Bank.

The treatment and recycling facilities, whose construction is credited to the collaborative effort of the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Local Development, and the Ministry of Urban Planning, will include four trash sorting stations and eight facilities in the South Sinai governorate.

The biggest solid waste treatment complex, however, will be located in the 10th of Ramadan area in Cairo, about four kilometres south of the industrial zone and seven kilometres from the Cairo-Ismailia Road.
