Saturday July 27th, 2024
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10 Entrepreneurs Will Pitch Their Startups to Investors in an Uber Tesla Car This Riseup Summit

They'll have to do so in the 10 minutes it takes to drive around Tahrir square.

Staff Writer

10 Entrepreneurs Will Pitch Their Startups to Investors in an Uber Tesla Car This Riseup Summit

The clock is ticking fast in anticipation for the launch of the fifth and biggest RiseUp Summit (aka entrepreneurs' playground) this Friday. For three days, experts and entrepreneurs across various industries will conduct workshops, lead inspirational talks, and judge pitches from aspiring startups. Uber, as the summit's main partner, is joining in this 72-hour spectacular by giving 10 startups the chance to pitch their projects to all the right people. The catch? They'll have to do so in the ten minutes it takes to circumnavigate Cairo's Tahrir square in a Tesla vehicle with an investor on board. That's right, a TESLA. 

Also coming to the rescue of our sore muscles, Uber is giving two free rides to and from the Greek Campus to all the attendees of the mega event, applicable with the promo code UBERXRISEUP17. Commutes between The GrEEK Campus and AUC's main campus are also covered by Uber shuttles - just find one and hop on board, no requests needed. 

Uber shuttles will definitely come in handy if we're ever to catch Nic Robertson's highly-anticipated talk. As UberEATS General Manager in the Middle East and Africa, he will be speaking about how technology is transforming food delivery around the world. In addition, Uber Egypt's General Manager, Tino Waked, will be a panellist for a discussion on how technology is transforming food delivery around the world. Working with restaurant and delivery partners in the region, he creates a better food delivery experience which oozes efficiency and simplicity.

And if that isn't enough, Uber Lock Up lockers will be available to store your luggage, and the ride-sharing company will also have a booth strategically positioned to provide photo opportunities and... popcorn. 

Follow Uber on Instagram, and check out Uber's programme at RiseUp here
